Wednesday, February 22, 2012

AWS Tip of the Month - Super fast Micro instance installs for less than a buck

Here is an easy but effective tip for managing micro instances in AWS.

Micro instances can be a challenge to install software or do application build upgrades due to the limited amount of CPU given to this instance size. Micro instances can make fantastic web servers, but when you need to do work on the server it can take more time than the typical IT pro has patience for.

Here is a quick tip: Change the instance size for patching and installs.

1) Stop the micro instance for your maintenance or install work.
2) Change the instance size to Large (or X-Large if you need a huge box for the install).
3) Start the instance
4) Run your install, upgrade, etc. I've found that I can usually do most of my maintenance or installs in less than an hour on a Large instance = $0.52
5) Stop the instance
6) Change the instance size back to Micro
7) Start the instance again.

The starting and stopping take seconds, and the upgrade to Large is instantaneous. Following these steps will lead to pain free patching, installs and upgrades for less than the price of a latte.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gartner Identifies Amazon Web Services as the Leader

In a recent Gartner article, Amazon Web Services has clearly been distinguished as the leader in cloud computing. Gartner did a great job of explaining why AWS is leading the way and why other companies may struggle to keep up with them.

2nd Watch has moved a great deal of companies off the "niche" and "challengers" and will continue to do so as companies realize the value of AWS. If you are currently hosted in a COLO or another provider like GoGrid, the costs and product set cannot match AWS, and this is why we are seeing companies migrating to AWS - even from other cloud providers.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Amazon Web Service Webinar

AWS is making it less complicated and less expensive for your company to recover in the event of a disaster. Check out a great webinar that will change your view of how you recover after a disaster! 2nd Watch is highlighted in the webinar.