Monday, April 30, 2012

Recently I was in NY at the AWS Summit and heard of about the company Kris described below.  You can view the slides from the presentation at the link below. In short, 50,000 core cycle computing cost this company $4,828 per hour.  This is how AWS is changing the way we think about business and what is possible for us to accomplish.


Friday, April 27, 2012

How Cloud Computing is transforming scientific R&D!

Every once and awhile you run across something to do with Cloud Computing that makes you stop and say "Wow that is cool!".

Last week we had the privalege of being at the AWS Summit in New York to launch our beta of 2W Insight, our new billing application for AWS.  While at the summit we had a chance to listen to how innovative companies are using AWS to solve real business problems.

The most interesting of these to me was a company called Cycle Computing.  Jason Stowe from Cycle Computing was on stage during the keynote to describe the AWESOME work he and his team are doing around building supercomputers on AWS.  I've posted lots of blogs on how to run a server or utility for <$1 month on AWS and while these are neat tricks they pale in comparison to the social importance of Jason and his team's work.

Cycle Computing built a supercomputer on AWS with over 50,000 cores to do cancer research.  I will explain it terribly so please go over to their blog - and read about it yourself.  It is impressive to say the least.

Jason - keep it up!!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Corner Booth Media Features 2nd Watch Case Study

Corner Booth Media has featured our Gravity Jack case study video in their blog "Are Case Study Videos Right for You?"

Corner Booth Media has helped us create all of our case study and testimonial videos, and they have been a great resource for us in getting the word out about 2nd Watch. As the blog quotes Jeff saying, "It’s easy for us to tell people how great we think we are, but much more effective when our clients do it." They've provided us with a really effective medium to let our clients speak on our work.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

2nd Watch Unveils Beta Billing Application Today

Kris and Jeff are at a summit in New York today to unveil the beta version of 2nd Watch's new cloud billing application, 2W Insight. 2W Insight will allow AWS customers to manage billing and consolidated billing environments in an easy to understand, streamlined manner. It will give customers easy visibility into their AWS bills - no more confusion in deciphering your bills!

2W Insight updates billing costs on a regular schedule, allowing accountants the most accurate billing information of any tool on the market, not just estimates. 2W Insight provides an organization's management with simple, clean and easy to understand summaries of AWS use. Services are organized into compute, storage and network categories with charges summarized by region, size and VPC. 2W Insight also enables analysts to create more detailed drilldowns of AWS charges, giving them control over how they view and organize thier bill. Users can sort and filter detailed cost and usage information, view instance level details and multiple department costs. The printing feature also allows users to print a PDF summary of bills, delivering easy reporting capabilities.

Are you an AWS Solution Provider? The application will also be available as a platform to manage customer billing. It will generate accurate bills across the consolidated billing set up, enabling solution providers to apply AWS pricing to end consumers in a consumer-friendly format.

We are very excited about the new application and plan to have a production version available in early June.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Launching this week....

2nd Watch is headed to NY this week.
We will be unveiling something big at the Amazon Web
Services Summit….stay tuned.