Every once and awhile you run across something to do with Cloud Computing that makes you stop and say "Wow that is cool!".
Last week we had the privalege of being at the AWS Summit in New York to launch our beta of 2W Insight, our new billing application for AWS. While at the summit we had a chance to listen to how innovative companies are using AWS to solve real business problems.
The most interesting of these to me was a company called Cycle Computing. Jason Stowe from Cycle Computing was on stage during the keynote to describe the AWESOME work he and his team are doing around building supercomputers on AWS. I've posted lots of blogs on how to run a server or utility for <$1 month on AWS and while these are neat tricks they pale in comparison to the social importance of Jason and his team's work.
Cycle Computing built a supercomputer on AWS with over 50,000 cores to do cancer research. I will explain it terribly so please go over to their blog - blog.cyclecomputing.com and read about it yourself. It is impressive to say the least.
Jason - keep it up!!
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